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86 lines
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set -x
apt -y install make clang openssl-dev perl tsu wget git python python-dev gnupg2 dirmngr curl autoconf automake sed gettext gzip pkg-config
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --python=python3 borg-env
source borg-env/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/borgbackup/borg.git
cd borg
git branch 1.0-maint remotes/origin/1.0-maint
git checkout 1.0-maint
pip install -r requirements.d/development.txt
#download and build lz4
wget https://github.com/lz4/lz4/archive/v1.7.5.tar.gz -O lz4.tar.gz
tar -xf lz4.tar.gz
cd lz4-1.7.5
make install
cd ..
#download and build libattr
wget https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/attr/attr-2.4.47.src.tar.gz
wget https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/attr/attr-2.4.47.src.tar.gz.sig
gpg2 attr-2.4.47.src.tar.gz.sig
tar -xf attr-2.4.47.src.tar.gz
cd attr-2.4.47
#fixing paths to sh
sed -i "s/\/bin\/sh/\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/sh/" configure
sed -i "s/\/bin\/sh/\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/sh/" install-sh
sed -i "s/\/bin\/sh/\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/sh/" include/install-sh
#fix for non-existent /tmp directory in set_cc_for_build of config.guess for 32-bit arm
sed -i "s/TMPDIR=\/tmp/TMPDIR=tmp/g" config.guess
mkdir tmp
./configure CC=clang LDFLAGS=-lintl --prefix=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/
#fix for ./include/attr/xattr.h:37:58: error: expected function body after function declarator
# const void *__value, size_t __size, int __flags) __THROW;
sed -i "s/__THROW//g" include/xattr.h
make install install-lib install-dev
cd ..
#download and build libacl
wget https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/acl/acl-2.2.52.src.tar.gz
wget https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/acl/acl-2.2.52.src.tar.gz.sig
gpg2 --recv-key 0542DF34
tar -xf acl-2.2.52.src.tar.gz
cd acl-2.2.52
#fixing paths to sh
sed -i "s/\/bin\/sh/\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/sh/" configure
sed -i "s/\/bin\/sh/\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/sh/" install-sh
sed -i "s/\/bin\/sh/\/data\/data\/com.termux\/files\/usr\/bin\/sh/" include/install-sh
#fix for non-existent /tmp directory in set_cc_for_build of config.guess for 32-bit arm
sed -i "s/TMPDIR=\/tmp/TMPDIR=tmp/g" config.guess
mkdir tmp
./configure --prefix=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/ CC=clang LDFLAGS=-lintl
make install install-lib install-dev
cd ..
#patching paths in setup.py
patch -p0 < ../borg.patch
pip install -e .
cd ..
#need wrapper for ssh, because /system/lib64/ needs to be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#otherwise: Remote: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "ssh": library "libandroid-support.so" not found
export BORG_RSH=borg_ssh_wrapper
cp borg_ssh_wrapper /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/borg_ssh_wrapper
chmod +x /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/borg_ssh_wrapper
#test by creating a backup of the borg directory
borg init borg_test
borg create test::1 borg_test
borg list borg_test
borg info borg_test::1
borg list borg_test::1